It seems like weddings and LEGO go hand in hand. My fiance proposed to me on 18 August 2006 and I immediately wrote to LEGO for them to send us a complimentary cake topper and letter of congratulations. We received both items that October to my fiance's surprise, he had no idea they gave kits like this away. It was the best gift I could have given him. It currently has Batman and Star Wars accessories on it too. I am staring at it as I write this (he keeps it on his computer desk) and I am wearing the dress, a Batman cape, holding a gun, holding my chalis, and a chain connected around his neck.
When we attended his sister's wedding this past May the groom's cake had a bunch of Star Wars LEGO characters hanging out on it.

I have seen a lot of women on the knot display some sort of LEGO love in their bios as well as flickr members. I get knot requests for help in asking for the set from the company and finally linked it in my bio so I wouldn't have to respond. Flickr people are really creative and if you search "lego and wedding" you'll get back about 230 pictures with whole wedding scenes laid out for wedding stationary with ready-made figurines, whole scenes laid out with homemade brick figurines, a great same sex ceremony, wedding swans, LEGO placecards, LEGO centerpieces where guests were given a bucket and told to play, and a number of LEGO inspired wedding graphics. It is great.
I know of something LEGO I haven't seen in a wedding YET. A LEGO wedding ring. If my fiance was into the silver, and not platinum for his ring I would get him a Brickwall Ring. I saw these at Giant Robot this year. .925 silver and each one comes with 4-6 different color attachable bricks that snap on over the silver. Sizes 8.5 to 11.5.

I know people are willing to take their LEGO love this far and am waiting to see it in pictures. It is only a matter of time. Giant Robot just started selling these this year. $75 for the 2x1 and $80 for the 2x2.
By the way. The bunnygroom has now hinted that this would make a great wedding gift. We'll see what he gets.
Too add a bit more LEGO glamour I was recently alerted to the LEGO fonts on dafont.com. Yes, the x-key is a bit risque and the j-key has a man being placed in cuffs. :)
This is Lego System:

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