However I get bored looking at a lot of boudoir pictures. I play with my camera a lot and consider getting into the boudoir picture industry every so often. My favorite artist that originally inspired me was Lone from Lolo's Boudoir. I guess I love her kitsch and that she does a lot of outdoor stuff. Both are right up my alley. She is on the other side of the country though and I have been considering traveling to see her if I had some other reason to be in the Bay Area at the same time.
Locally there is Atomic Bettie. I have not been 100% sure I am ready to commit to them because of the cost and not really knowing if I dig their style. I have seen some of the ladies they feature in real life because some of them are in the Sexy Kitty burlesque troop. I think they made those ladies look fantastic compared to real life (I'm not saying they were ugly but they look really polished in the pictures).

Tonight I hit the motherload of inspirations. My fiance and I went to Barnes and Noble's to dork around the bargain stacks. He found a 3-D Hollywood Nudes book. I thought it was funny and we bought it since it was under $10. I started looking at it once we were home and quickly realized the photos are all by Harold Lloyd. Harold Lloyd was one crazy mofo! He was a filmaker and actor in the same vein as Charlie Chaplin. He did his own stunts and even lost part of his hand when a bomb went off while he was still holding it. I had no idea he shot women like this later in his career. This book is amazing! Tura Satana (Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!), Betty Page, Jane Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, etc. I have a huge fascination with Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and was even thinking about the opening go-go scene of that movie as a boudoir picture inspiration before this book.

My fiance and I went through the book once already. I need to flag some pages that he likes as I continue to ponder the boudoir picture idea. However I am one giant step closer to putting a deposit down with Atomic Betty if we are on the same vibe about how cool Harold's pictures are and if they can emulate his style. The book is also cool because the 3-D glasses are in his signature round style which is hilarious.

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